
Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Join MHM Viral Mailer CLAIM 1000 Credits

This is Diane Mumm, owner of Mountain High Mailer..

Join my new viral mailer.. One of the few guaranteed active membership base..

We have a active member base.. If you have not been active for 30 days you will be put on unsubscribed, no banner or text hits, until they log back in and resubscribe, simple and effective..This applies to free members only..

What does this mean to You? well , no more wasted time, credits, and money..

You should be excited about this.. so Take Your Marketing to New Heights.

My No# 1 Goal is to have Active Members within this mailer so you will be assured your ad is being seen by others..

Check out the special upgrade packages..

My Mailer Motto is

Click Daily-Mail Daily- Get Results

Diane Mumm

Click This Link To Earn Credits:
-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=32y4r6b0

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=32y4r6b0

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<div><span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0)">ARACHNOPHOBIA&nbsp;SAFELIST</span></div><p><span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0)"><strong>ARACHNO SAFELIST OFFERING QUADRUPLE MAILING</strong></span></p><p>&nbsp;QUAD Mailer&nbsp;-SUBMIT YOUR AD WITH 4 SUBJECT LINES AND IT Auto&nbsp;Mails Your Ads 4xs Per Day- THIS IS TIME SAVING&nbsp;MAILER&nbsp;SUBMIT IT ONCE&nbsp;IT AND IT SENDS OUT 4 TIMES PER DAY<span style="background-color:rgb(255, 204, 0)">&nbsp;MAILS TO&nbsp;</span>ALL MEMBERS<br /><br />JOIN TODAY AND GET 50,000 MAILING CREDITS ADDS AUTOMATICALLY UPON SIGN UP</p>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=7300fmd8

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More Traffic, Leads & Sales w/Real Viral Ads!

Hey depan

The right program, the right tools,
The right time, The right people
Does this sounds strange....?

Bill Gates replied.... to one question:

"First, I was in the right place
at the right time"....
*Second, I saw the vision....
*Third and most important,
I took ACTION."

YOU are definitely in the right
place at the right time.
YOU can envision success
and make it work.

The only remaining question
is whether you will take action
or not?

This could change the quality
of your life. You owe this to yourself ...
All In One Blessing is here for you.

The right program... Done
The right tools... Done
The right people... waiting for you
Now is the right time.
Take action today for your future tomorrow.

Come, Join The AIOP Teambuild

We are All-In-One Team.

Have a great day!

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=grkbw34d

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=grkbw34d

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hot-hot-hot-unique features and weekly payouts

blast your emails

over half my referrals have upgraded
another awesome mailer from Maryanne
many super great features
weekly payoyts

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=750j9n2r

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=750j9n2r

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Four Corners Alliance (April 2016 UPDATE)

Over the past month I've been
asking EVERY Boost My Online Biz
member I chat with, one simple

What program are you pitching
your BMOB leads?

Honestly 8 times out of 10 I
get this answer:

4 Corners Alliance Group

I then ask them this second

How are the BMOB leads responding
to 4 Corners?

The answer to THIS question
always blows me away.

Here's what one member
told me:

"I have using BMOB to build 4 Corners
for 21 days and just hit 100 paid
members. I have 16 people on my
6th level already because people
refer others who refer others at
a fast pace. BMOB leads are a
MUST for anyone promoting
4 Corners."

My conclusion is:

1. Boost My Online Biz leads are VERY
responsive to the 4 Corners offer.

2. Once the BMOB leads join 4 Corners
under YOU, they have NO problem
enrolling people themselves.

Build your 4 Corners team FASTER
and DEEPER with Boost My Online Biz :)


Faith McDowell
Mother, Marketer, Mentor.
email: faithbasedadvertising@gmail.com

P.S. Email me if ya need a hand :)
I give you my WORD BMOB
will EXCEED your expectations
And I take my word VERY seriously.

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=n13q92jy

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=n13q92jy

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SoloAdJunky = Get 2000+ Clicks/600+ Optins


www.SoloAdJunky.com Get 2000+ Clicks - 600+ Opt-Ins Guaranteed

- 2000+ Clicks Guaranteed
- 600+ OptIns/Leads Subscribers Guaranteed
- Detailed Email Click Tracking Included
- Started Same Day Purchased
- 100% USA Subscribers

Active and Interested Subscribers in the Make Money/Work-at-Home Niche

CLICK HERE ----> http://www.SoloAdJunky.com

email: support@SoloAdJunky.com
skype: SoloAdJunky

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=0mn91ty5

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=0mn91ty5

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You Got Mailz

<p>You Got Mailz is amazing.</p><p>We get great results and for the price a lifetime Upgrade cost... this is by far one of my best investment!</p><p>They got $19.99, $39.99 &amp; 69.95 Lifetime Upgrade for sales.</p><p>This Mailer will growth fast and is owned by Ghislain Poirier, a very stable owner.</p><p>You can surely join and upgrade in confidence here.</p><p>Sheikh Anees</p>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=zmxtjhdg

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RTB is the future of marketing

Hi depan

I recommend BeonPush, the best business right now!
The founder is Ferki Demirovski, a renowned politician, he works in the European Parliament. Trust Admin for trust business!
BeonPush is specialized in buying & selling targeted advertising space in real time. They use a new technology called RTB, it means "Real time bidding"!
Return on Investment = 150%!
Packs from 20$ to 10 000$!
Average Daily rates : 1% - 2%!
The Best Affiliate Program!
Direct referral (Level 1) = 13% commission!
Referral level 2 = 2% commission!
Team bonus (binary plan) = 10% weakest leg!


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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=hy3z6xjs

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BAM! The cats are loose At Cool Cat Hits!

Come pawl with us...coool jackpot site with many, many features as VTG game, Zubees, cash prizes!

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=pwvq83zx

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Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Get more traffic to your sites for free!

<p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 128)"><em><strong>Do you need more traffic and a great conversion of your sites and more...?</strong></em></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)"><em><strong>So simply, join today to all sites of Darren Olander!</strong></em></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(204, 0, 0)"><em><strong>Great traffic, great commissions, very responsive lists!</strong></em></span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>To your success,<br />Paul Serban</p>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=10m8k547

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=10m8k547

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WOW, does this thing really WORK!?

Yep, it sure does...

There is a process to making real success online, we at YourEightSteps teach you a real viable process..

This process is what works, no other way around it, if you want to make any money online...

You can wish in one hand and sh*t in the other, but it still changes nothing..

You need to build your own email list..

You need multiple traffic sources...

You need squeeze pages and marketing material..

You need instructions and guidance...

You need to have a blog...

You need products and offers to sell and give to your list... This is why YourEightSteps works, we leave NOTHING out!!!

This is fundamentally, and absolutely the whole correct process to build a real viable business online!!

Take action NOW.

We want to help you.

To Your Success And Happiness

Audrey Sorg

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=sfp1zj09

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=sfp1zj09

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IMMEDIATE RESULTS: In 4 Corners Alliance

Over the past month I've been
asking EVERY Boost My Online Biz
member I chat with, one simple

What program are you pitching
your BMOB leads?

Honestly 8 times out of 10 I
get this answer:

4 Corners Alliance Group

I then ask them this second

How are the BMOB leads responding
to 4 Corners?

The answer to THIS question
always blows me away.

Here's what one member
told me:

"I have using BMOB to build 4 Corners
for 21 days and just hit 100 paid
members. I have 16 people on my
6th level already because people
refer others who refer others at
a fast pace. BMOB leads are a
MUST for anyone promoting
4 Corners."

My conclusion is:

1. Boost My Online Biz leads are VERY
responsive to the 4 Corners offer.

2. Once the BMOB leads join 4 Corners
under YOU, they have NO problem
enrolling people themselves.

Build your 4 Corners team FASTER
and DEEPER with Boost My Online Biz :)


Faith McDowell
Mother, Marketer, Mentor.
email: faithbasedadvertising@gmail.com

P.S. Email me if ya need a hand :)
I give you my WORD BMOB
will EXCEED your expectations
And I take my word VERY seriously.

Click This Link To Earn Credits:
-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=xq8b3mh9

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=xq8b3mh9

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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

BEST Viral Mailer Tools - FREE!

<h3><strong>Find the <span style="color:#FF0000">BEST tools for using Viral Mailers</span>! Add your referral IDs and <span style="color:#FF0000">promote them all with one link</span>!<br /><br />Introducing an AWESOME Viral Mailer that lets you mail whenever you want to, without any limits! It&#39;s the Money Button Viral Mailer!<br /><br /><span style="color:#FF0000">No waiting between mailings</span>, and generous surf rates! You&#39;ll get your message out fast, and when YOU want to!<br /><br />Fill out the Downline Builder and <span style="color:#FF0000">your links will show on our splash pages</span>!<br /><br />Join now! Free Monthly Credits!</strong></h3>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=c3tfgmb6

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=c3tfgmb6

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CONGRATULATIONS.. Your FREE home based business has been approved!

You have been approved!


Totally awesome... you have been approved to start a home
based business for free!

Grab your FREE Business Account Now!

Why FREE? Must be a catch right?

I am letting you take a look for free because we as a team
are very proud of what we created..

[+] It is very simple
[+] It is very powerful
[+] It is something EVERYONE needs!

Get your business started for FREE (no credit card required)

No catches... check it out now.. I PROMISE you will love it!!

Joe Navratil

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=9dzq6p4c

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=9dzq6p4c

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Our Teams Guarantee to Get You 6 Paid GDI Signups

Hello depan,

GDI Team Elite Is Giving
Away 6 SignUps!

We assure 6 SignUps to All New Paid members!

Check It Out! You Will Love This System!

People from all around the world are working together to build downlines for each other.


Arto Painilainen
Team Leader

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=tj904qgc

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Grab 2000 Credits At Aussie Mailer!

<p>G&#39;day, Introducing Aussie Mailer! &nbsp;</p><p>A fast responsive List Builer and Viral Mailer that will bring your ad campaigns AMAZING RESULTS!</p><p>Join today and get 2500 free mailing credits, 1500 banner credits and 1500 text ads!</p><p>Refer others to Aussie Mailer and earn HUGE COMMISSIONS!</p><p>Send Your Email Out To Tons Of Marketers From Across The World TODAY!!!</p><p>PS. Don&#39;t forget to check out the AMAZING One-Time-Offer.</p><p>Alberto Hernandez (tpckrane0)</p>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=mfgzv5nj

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=mfgzv5nj

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Hi depan

Want Hyper Responsive Solos With Lots of Bu-yers

100% (USA) Premium Solo Ads

Get High Quality 25 to 1000 Clicks

This is Quality Solo-Ads....NOT Those ZOMBIE Traffic Solo Sites ;)

So Do You Want Decent Solo-Ads, Have a Scan at Link Below For Details And Get Real Traffic. Leads, and Joiners to Your Programs or business.

Webmaster & Entrepreneur


The System Is So Powerful, You'll Never See Useless Clicks Again

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=kwr5c1pt

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=kwr5c1pt

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This is HOT!!ListBuildingOnCrack!50%Commission!

<p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,255)"><em><strong>*A brand new pro mailer has just launched and you can get a lifetime<br />membership for a one-time payment of only $10*</strong></em><br /><br /><em><strong>*You will receive 5000 mailing credits with your purchase and the ability<br />to earn 50% commissions on all sales! *</strong></em><br /><br /><em><strong>*In addition, get 24/7 access to a video list building series that has<br />increased my sales from $806 per month to $2,948 per month using the simple<br />pre-qualified list building techniques you will learn in this course.*</strong></em><br /><br /><em><strong>*Enter Promo Code: ListBuilding2016*</strong></em></span><br /><br /><em><strong><span style="color:rgb(0,0,255)">*For An Additional 1000 Mailing Credits, 1000 Square Banners, and $1.00<br />Cash To Get You Started!*<br />*To your Success,*</span></strong></em><br /><em><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><strong><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">&nbsp;</span></strong></span></em></p>

Click This Link To Earn Credits:
-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=rhybdp72

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=rhybdp72

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Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Your Massive Traffic Resource

Traffic Monsoon

Your Massive Traffic Resource


Your request to Beta Test this new software
has been approved.

Confirm Your Beta Access Here

This is your private link and once you
register you will be able to test out all
of the new features and tools automatically.

Don't delay, spots are limited.

To Your Success

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=sm9qr3jw

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=sm9qr3jw

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This doubled his blog traffic...

<p>Hey ,</p><p>We all know how important Content Marketing is, especially<br />in the new era of SEO...</p><p>One of the hardest things to do, is actually get CLICKS<br />to your blog post, let along the conversions...</p><p>The problem is that most people really struggle to create<br />compelling &quot;Must-Click&quot; headlines that actually get the<br />attention of your audiences...</p><p>Well, check out this video and you will see just how easy<br />it can be to create &quot;Click Magnets&quot; that demand attention:</p><p><strong><a target="_blank" href="http://trackr.leadsleap.com/3z60z4xs">Click Here</a></strong></p><p>Sean Donahoe, the content marketing genius behind this<br />originally built this for himself and doubled his traffic...</p><p>His students are also pulling in some INSANE traffic<br />numbers as well...</p><p>Now, it&#39;s your turn...</p><p>This is a very powerful tool in the content marketing arsenal<br />and one I think you should grab while you can as the price<br />is going to go up very shortly...</p><p>So, go check it out and see how it can help you drive<br />more traffic, boost engagement and ultimately conversions too...</p><p><br /><strong><a target="_blank" href="http://wewillshowyou.info/U9nrs">Click Here</a></strong></p><p>All the best,</p><p>Jackie Buckley</p>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=g2nx46z1

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=g2nx46z1

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We Let You Enroll 10+ New Members Every Month

<p>Hi,<br /><br />Start Building Your Automatic Income!<br /><br />Create $2000-$4000/mo. In 6-12 Months<br />And much more after...<br />With Auto Traffic Method<br /><br />You Will Get 10 Signups In 2 Weeks<br />We enroll new members Daily - You Get Spillovers, too<br />Then... Your Automatic Monthly Residual Income Begins<br /><br />We share<br />How And What To Do To Enroll As Many New Members As You Like<br />You End Up With Having Uncountable People In Your Downline<br />We are making money quietly...<br /><br />Our team specializes in building the TrafficWave downline !<br />We enroll new members Daily.<br /><br />TrafficWave has a 3 x 10 Forced Matrix.<br />This type of matrix gives you massive spill overs.<br />$88,000+ a month will be your inncome with TrafficWave alone !<br />Enrolling 10 new members in 2 weeks is our normal result.<br />Just follow the instruction in the Enrolling System!<br /><br />If you want an Instant Big Money - Not Exist - this is not for you.<br />The amount you will earn in the first month is $300 - $350 in my case.<br />But if you ever wanted to succeed with a huge downline in 6 months,<br />this IS your answer !<br /><br />We help you building your/our downline<br />and the team is growing fast<br /><br />You can, too be on the leader boards !<br /><br />A Huge Downline Is Not A Dream Anymore !<br /><br /><br />&nbsp;</p>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=wcqz3p2j

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WARNING: Four Corners Alliance - 16 NEW Signups

Over the past month I've been
asking EVERY Boost My Online Biz
member I chat with, one simple

What program are you pitching
your BMOB leads?

Honestly 8 times out of 10 I
get this answer:

4 Corners Alliance Group

I then ask them this second

How are the BMOB leads responding
to 4 Corners?

The answer to THIS question
always blows me away.

Here's what one member
told me:

"I have using BMOB to build 4 Corners
for 21 days and just hit 100 paid
members. I have 16 people on my
6th level already because people
refer others who refer others at
a fast pace. BMOB leads are a
MUST for anyone promoting
4 Corners."

My conclusion is:

1. Boost My Online Biz leads are VERY
responsive to the 4 Corners offer.

2. Once the BMOB leads join 4 Corners
under YOU, they have NO problem
enrolling people themselves.

Build your 4 Corners team FASTER
and DEEPER with Boost My Online Biz :)


Faith McDowell
Mother, Marketer, Mentor.
email: faithbasedadvertising@gmail.com

P.S. Email me if ya need a hand :)
I give you my WORD BMOB
will EXCEED your expectations
And I take my word VERY seriously.

Click This Link To Earn Credits:
-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=wt45xz1m

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=wt45xz1m

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BuyersListSoloAds - Get 2000+ Clicks/600+ Optins


BuyersListSoloAds.com Get 2000+ Clicks/600+ OptIns Guaranteed

- 2000+ Unique Clicks Guaranteed
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- Traffic is 98% Tier 1 (98% USA)

Subscribers Are Interested in Make Money/Work-at-Home Type Offers

CLICK HERE for MORE INFO ---> http://www.BuyersListSoloAds.com

email: support@BuyersListSoloAds.com
skype: BuyersListSoloAds

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=6qrk0m1g

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=923&openkey=6qrk0m1g

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RTB is the future of marketing

Hi depan

I recommend BeonPush, the best business right now!
The founder is Ferki Demirovski, a renowned politician, he works in the European Parliament. Trust Admin for trust business!
BeonPush is specialized in buying & selling targeted advertising space in real time. They use a new technology called RTB, it means "Real time bidding"!
Return on Investment = 150%!
Packs from 20$ to 10 000$!
Average Daily rates : 1% - 2%!
The Best Affiliate Program!
Direct referral (Level 1) = 13% commission!
Referral level 2 = 2% commission!
Team bonus (binary plan) = 10% weakest leg!


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Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

hot-hot-hot-unique features and weekly payouts

blast your emails

over half my referrals have upgraded
another awesome mailer from Maryanne
many super great features
weekly payoyts

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Mail ANY TIME You Want - No Waiting!

<h3><strong>Introducing an AWESOME new Viral Mailer that lets you mail whenever you want to, without any limits! It&#39;s the <span style="color:#FF0000">Mail This List Viral Mailer</span>!<br /><br /><span style="color:#FF0000">No waiting between mailings</span>, and generous surf rates! You&#39;ll get your message out fast, and when YOU want to!<br /><br />Join now! <span style="color:#FF0000">Free Monthly Credits</span>!</strong></h3>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=7wgc8zvx

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$1 Everlasting Ads!!

<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Here&#39;s a brand new site from&nbsp;<br />Frank Salinas. His sites always&nbsp;<br />make the most commissions&nbsp;<br />compared to many other sites.</p><p>Join For Free Today and Get&nbsp;<br />1 Free Lifetime Banner Ad<br />(Value $$)</p><p><span style="background-color:#AFEEEE">$1 Upgrade Comes With 16 Lifetime&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="background-color:#AFEEEE">Banners + 8 Lifetime Text Links</span><br /><span style="background-color:#AFEEEE">+ 1 Login Ad!!!!</span></p><p>http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=ynwdmfs6</p>

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BAM! The cats are loose At Cool Cat Hits!

Come pawl with us...coool jackpot site!

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Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Discover the Pathway to Wealth, depan

Hi There depan!

Are you sick of being bombarded by programs that don't work? Are you ready to try something that does?

This system does all the explaining for you. All you need to do is spread the word.

With our 1-up compensation plan, you make one sale, and then you keep 100% of every other sale.

That's ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Every time. You never have to pay your sponsor again!

Compare that to clicking for pennies or small percentages of affiliate sales.

Start thinking big by clicking on the credit link to find out more.

Yours in Prosperity,
Leslie Denning

P.S. Questions? Give me a call at 573-232-1170, leave a message, and I'll call you back ASAP.

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=4059yj26

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Lifetime Gold Membership For Only 12 Dollars!

<div><em><strong><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Enchantedmails</span>&nbsp;does have affordable&nbsp;Lifetime Upgrades</strong></em></div><div><em><strong>they are paying&nbsp;up to 70% commissions&nbsp;and conversions&nbsp;</strong></em></div><div><em><strong>are great! (majority of Pre-Launch members upgraded)</strong></em></div><div><em><strong>They have some great features like...</strong></em></div><div><em><strong>There are many more great features to mention...</strong></em></div><div><em><strong><strong>15 out of</strong> 10 referrals have upgraded&nbsp;and my personal</strong></em></div><div><em><strong>earnings as a Platinum Founder member are&nbsp;$105.60!</strong></em></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><em><strong>Income Disclaimer: My results are not typical.</strong></em></div><div><em><strong>Just sign up now and check it out for yourself! ;-)</strong></em></div>

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Welcome to Solo Ad Surfer

Who Else Has A Desire To Attain, Responsive & Effective Advertising That's Proven To Work? Here's Your Chance To Grab Some Guaranteed Visitors, Use Our Viral Traffic Tools, Gain List Building Momentum And Create Residual Traffic!

It's simple to get started... join right now for free and grab your guaranteed traffic right to your site using out proven methods of advertising! Everyone who joins receives a free ad package. No promo code needed. But we don't stop there, ALL members, even free members get a monthly bonus ad package added to their account automatically. Plus, if you upgrade, you most definitely enjoy even BIGGER benefits!

Get your share of targeted traffic, build your downline, email your referrals and earn cash commissions! Post! Click! View! That is all there is to it.

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=nctdv6kz

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Claim 1000 Credits at Mountain High Mailer!

This is Diane Mumm, owner of Mountain High Mailer..

Join my new viral mailer.. One of the few guaranteed active membership base..

We have a active member base.. If you have not been active for 30 days you will be put on unsubscribed, no banner or text hits, until they log back in and resubscribe, simple and effective..This applies to free members only..

What does this mean to You? well , no more wasted time, credits, and money..

You should be excited about this.. so Take Your Marketing to New Heights.

My No# 1 Goal is to have Active Members within this mailer so you will be assured your ad is being seen by others..

Check out the special upgrade packages..

My Mailer Motto is

Click Daily-Mail Daily- Get Results

Diane Mumm

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=ht0qxz29

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Just Launched - Banner VIP

Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.

Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

How much does 16000 visitors?

<p><strong>&nbsp;Quiz of the&nbsp;day!</strong></p><p><strong>How much cost 16000 visitors?</strong></p><p><br /><strong>1- You can have 16,000&nbsp;<span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 204); color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">VISITORS</span>&nbsp;for $24&nbsp;and that would be a&nbsp;great deal!</strong></p><p><br /><strong>2- You can have 16,000&nbsp;<span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 204); color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">VISITORS</span>&nbsp;for $16&nbsp;in a &quot;One Time Offer&quot; and that would be unmissable!</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>3- You can have&nbsp;16,000&nbsp;<span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 204); color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">VISITORS</span>&nbsp;for $9.00&nbsp;in a &quot;One Time Offer&nbsp;BIRTHDAY SPECIAL&quot; and that would be CRAZZY GOOOD!!</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0)"><strong>Well at&nbsp;</strong><strong>OUR ADS COOP</strong><strong>,&nbsp;<em>16000 visitors&nbsp;ONLY COSTS $4.75!</em></strong></span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Visit OUR ADS COOP now,<br />and you will thanks me later!</strong></p><p><strong>Ghislain P .</strong></p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0)">depan, Subscribe&nbsp;to news letter to learn more about the way we work!</span></strong></p>

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4 Corners Alliance: 100 Signups in 21 Days!?

Over the past month I've been
asking EVERY Boost My Online Biz
member I chat with, one simple

What program are you pitching
your BMOB leads?

Honestly 8 times out of 10 I
get this answer:

4 Corners Alliance Group

I then ask them this second

How are the BMOB leads responding
to 4 Corners?

The answer to THIS question
always blows me away.

Here's what one member
told me:

"I have using BMOB to build 4 Corners
for 21 days and just hit 100 paid
members. I have 16 people on my
6th level already because people
refer others who refer others at
a fast pace. BMOB leads are a
MUST for anyone promoting
4 Corners."

My conclusion is:

1. Boost My Online Biz leads are VERY
responsive to the 4 Corners offer.

2. Once the BMOB leads join 4 Corners
under YOU, they have NO problem
enrolling people themselves.

Build your 4 Corners team FASTER
and DEEPER with Boost My Online Biz :)


Faith McDowell
Mother, Marketer, Mentor.
email: faithbasedadvertising@gmail.com

P.S. Email me if ya need a hand :)
I give you my WORD BMOB
will EXCEED your expectations
And I take my word VERY seriously.

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[ 100% Success ] - it was not possible until now!

<h1><strong>This Works For Everyone<br />How to generate a paycheck<br />online within 1 hour Guaranteed<br />Click the link below -</strong></h1><h1><strong>http://www.ad-alyzer.com/727/myfortad</strong></h1>

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Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

BEST Viral Mailer Tools - FREE!

<h3><strong>Find the <span style="color:#FF0000">BEST tools for using Viral Mailers</span>! Add your referral IDs and <span style="color:#FF0000">promote them all with one link</span>!<br /><br />Introducing an AWESOME Viral Mailer that lets you mail whenever you want to, without any limits! It&#39;s the Money Button Viral Mailer!<br /><br /><span style="color:#FF0000">No waiting between mailings</span>, and generous surf rates! You&#39;ll get your message out fast, and when YOU want to!<br /><br />Fill out the Downline Builder and <span style="color:#FF0000">your links will show on our splash pages</span>!<br /><br />Join now! Free Monthly Credits!</strong></h3>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=nc7w491r

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Welcome to Monumental Mailer

Welcome depan,

Welcome to Monumental Mailer. To activate your account, please visit: http://monumentalmailer.com/verify.php?id=923&vcode=63bfd6e8f26d1d3537f4c5038264ef36

Your Login is: depanrumah

You can log in at http://monumentalmailer.com/login.php

To earn referrals, send people to http://monumentalmailer.com/?rid=923

Thank you,

Monumental Mailer

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

Latest Viral American-Canadian-World Videos


Best American-Canadian and worldwide Viral Videos with last minute news!

Worldwide satire, satiric situations, most stupid people and cute cats (*sigh) Come and visit this amazing site.

Please like on FB!


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Surf 100 pages and Grab $13.00

Surf 100 pages and Grab $13.00

New TE! Surf only 100 pages and grad $13.00 now!

Cash bonus and credit reward is on during Pre-launch of our new TRAFFIC EXCHANGE.

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-> http://highctrmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=1067&openkey=xqmz85y2

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New HOT TRUSTED PTC by TimTech Support Crew!

Hi depan

If you like PTC, you don't want to miss this!

Tom , Janelle, Bill and Patrick - better known in the industry as the support crew for TimTech have opened their own PTC!

They have been in the industry for a very long time and trusted by many. With great business minded, successful and experienced people running this PTC site, we know we will not be disappointed.

Cashout at $2 for all members.

Join me today and let's make some money together!


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-> http://highctrmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=1067&openkey=kdwy8nf4

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Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

Make $50 for a 10 minute survey!

Have you ever heard of taking paid surveys on the internet before? We have one right now that pays $50, and takes less than 10 minutes!

If you want to take it, here is your personal link below:


Maybe you�ve even tried to take some before, and didn�t make any money.

The truth is, unless you know the correct paid survey companies to work with, you will NEVER make good money.

Luckily for you, I�ve found all of the best paid survey companies for you, and created a list of all of the best ones!


Big companies around the world need people just like you, to voice their opinions about their product� and, they�re willing to pay you for your time!

Sign up below and start taking paid surveys!

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-> http://highctrmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=1067&openkey=fp2g40t3

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-> http://highctrmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=1067&openkey=fp2g40t3

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800 satoshi every 20 min

800 satoshi every 20 min
payout 25000 satoshi direct to btc wallet
if you dont have btc wallet use blockchain,if you want withdraw use payza

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depan 5,000 a month freee

My PTC system currently makes me around ������£5,000 a month and is growing.
I have been a very active user of PTC sites for more than 5 years now learning all my skills and knowledge through experience.
I see a lot of people around making mere pennies through PTC sites.
This unchangeable truth lead me to jump into writing my system down in words that anyone can understand and publishing it to the world.
My system is 5 years of knowledge & experience in the PTC industry and has made me rich!
For the skeptics out there my system is made from genuine knowledge and experience from a genuine PTC user.
If you leave this page without my system you may as well throw away a chance to make a residual income and become free of financial worry.
But don���¢�¯�¿�½�¯�¿�½t listen to me I���¢�¯�¿�½�¯�¿�½m only a kid who makes an incredible amount of money from the same work you do!

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there are only 20+places

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"BoxesOfTraffic - Delivering Boxes of Quality Leads
for All Your Advertising Needs! Join Free Today!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hi (their name), it's Alexander here, and I just
wanted to send you a quick note to see if you have
heard the news about BoxesOfTraffic.

It's a Viral List Builder that just Launched with cool
new graphics and all the features we've come to love and
it's free to join!!

Take a look here:

BoxesOfTraffic - Delivering Boxes of Quality Leads for
Your Advertising Needs!!

Now before I share some cool details about this
program I need to let you know that they've decided
to share their cash by paying you $2.00 to join
for free!

I know that sounds wild, but it's for real and pretty
much guarantees a successful Launch...

If they're paying us to join then what do we have to
lose? Especially when we can earn more $ in so many
ways like Click4Cash, PTC, VTG, Zubee Coins, Icons,
Email Click Rewards or when we refer new members who
upgrade or purchase advertising.

Huge opportunity if you ask me!

By joining this program, you'll immediately enjoy
The Best In Viral List Builder Marketing!

This new Viral List Builder not only provides you with
all the advertising options your site needs, they also
packed it with tons of features.

Now here's where it gets real good...

* Mail the list Every few days or every 23 Hours!
* Paid To Click
* Click4Cash
* 5-7 Second Timer
* Monthly Bonus Credits
* Power-Ups
* Earn Credits per click.
* Banner and Text Advertising
* Spot light ads
* Solo Mailings
* Reset Mailer
* Weekly Jackpots
* Downline Builder(s)
* Residual Income
* Residual Credits
* Downline Mailer
* Viral Traffic Games
* Collecting Zubee Coins
* Emerald Hunter Game
* Commissions, Commissions, Commissions
* Plus more, more.. and MORE!

And did I mention it's feature rich...

Website Traffic, Banner and Text Advertsing, Viral Traffic Games,
Jackpots, Click4Cash, Dynamic Surf Rates, Zubee Coins, Emerald
Zubee Game, Icon Collecting, Email Click Rewards... The works.

You must act now...

=> http://boxesoftraffic.com/?rid=787&ptsource=5

Go ahead and join right now, because it's filling up fast
and that means there's thousands of marketers waiting to
view your websites.

Packed with features and amazing tools, BoxesOfTraffic is a
fantastic advertising network built by surfers for surfers.

Be one of the first 800 new members to join and read 5
emails then use this promo code "boxesrock" and they will
pay you $2.00.. added to your account.

=> http://boxesoftraffic.com/?rid=787&ptsource=5

Good luck and welcome aboard in advance.

Oh! And one more thing... It's owned by Doug Ravish who
has Marketing Experience and Launched by Dan Moses. They
both know what their doing and will make sure BoxesOfTraffic
reaches your highest expectations.

With my best wishes,

Alexander Yudnikov

P.S. Quick-response bonus! Be one of the first 800 new
members to join (and read 5 emails then use this promo
code "boxesrock") and you'll start with $2.00 in your


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Its REALLY DIFFICULT at the moment to find a new PTC that EVEN LOOKS like its going to pay ...

So, after looking at the settings , observing how the Admin responds to queries at the forum, this one POTENTIALLY has all the facilities to be PAYING and LONG-LASTING.

The FREE LIFETIME PREMIUM is for the first 5000 members only.You receive 100% click value and 50% from your ref clicks. There's 4 X $0.01 daily ads minimum.

MIN PAYOUT is ONLY $2 so clicking ads and with a little LUCK at the ADGRID, you can reach it quickly and CASH OUT.


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-> http://highctrmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=1067&openkey=yh46w3qj

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[Admin email] Contest Update + Biggest giveaway + Perfect Money

Good morning (evening) Members,

Here are some February contest's results.

A member had 20 mails with 115+ clicks so we awarded him $3.00 CASH.
He also had 149 clicks on one so we gave him an extra $0.50 for that. (Near enough to 150)

Here is the best news:

March contest - BIGGEST PRIZES YET

Please reset all your banner and text ads to zero credits

We are giving unlimited prizes so it’s well worth trying and we'd love someone to win the top prizes.


Three (3) prizes are available.
-First member to get 220 clicks for a mail
-First member to get 120 clicks for a banner
-First member to get 120 clicks for a text ad.

If you are an Ultramailer member, we'll award you $20.

It pays to be with HighCTRMailer.com, you will be seen with us with our 25% daily average.

Remember we have PERFECT MONEY available if you want to upgrade with this. We are fully registered and confirmed with our account. Please send us a support ticket if you want to upgrade with Perfect Money.

Here is the deal; FIRST MEMBER to upgrade with Perfect Money will get 10% cash back in his account.

We are different! See you soon.
Please vote for us every day, makes us numero uno at http://topviralmailers.com/vote.php?id=298&rid=highctrmailer

Best regards,
HighCTRMailer Team

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Thank You for taking a look at these offers


Get paid to view website advertising.

At Solo Bux we pay you daily for clicking ads & pay you to 100% for you referral clicks

* Earn up to $0.08 per click
* Profitable RR system for all members
* Unlimited direct referrals for all members
* $1 min payout for all members
* Cheap and profitable Upgrade Plans
* Upgraded members have more earning opportunities

Thank you for your registration!




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Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

Free Lifetime Advertising !

Be the first to promote and
get paid for every referral..
yes get paid for every referral.

Join right here:

* The site is real simple to use

* Use the site to make instant sales (no free members)

* Transfer ads to your downline as a bonus

* Your Ads Last Here For Life

* Every member you refer pays you instantly & much more

Read how it works and join today:

Thanks in advance!
Zoran Simovic

P.S. I just know you're gonna love
the site.. how simple, how powerful
at the same time

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