
Senin, 30 April 2018

New $10 Lifetime & 50% Commissions!!

<div><p><strong><em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255)"><strong>Hey there,</strong></span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255)"><strong>Have you seen&nbsp;<br /><span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0)">Easy Cash List Building System</span>&nbsp;yet?</strong></span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255)"><strong>It&#39;s a pro viral mailer built inside a system<br />that guarantees you&nbsp;<span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0)">$5 per active referral</span>.</strong></span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255)"><strong>Plus you get&nbsp;<span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0)">50% commissions</span>&nbsp;on all further<br />purchases from your referrals.</strong></span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255)"><strong>It is also a true&nbsp;<span style="color:rgb(32, 18, 77)">1-1</span>&nbsp;ratio mailer so for every<br />click you make on an email you get one<br />guaranteed click back or the credit refunded.</strong></span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255)"><strong>Yes send to&nbsp;<span style="color:rgb(12, 52, 61)">1000</span>&nbsp;and get&nbsp;<span style="color:rgb(102, 0, 0)">50 clicks</span>, then get<br />the other&nbsp;<span style="color:rgb(32, 18, 77)">950 credits</span>&nbsp;back ready to mail again.</strong></span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255)"><strong>Check it out today...</strong></span></em></strong></p></div><div>&nbsp;</div>

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-> http://gardenmails.com/credit_click.php?userid=1004&openkey=nzxg5mps

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[ 5 Solo Ad Blasts To Over 135,000 ] Promote Affil

<p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">Ruby Solo Blaster MEGA Packs Are Here!</span></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">==&gt; http://www.BizExperts101.com/?rd=lf5RkrQ2</span></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">You enter a subject, message and URL. That&#39;s it - times 5, 10, 15 OR 20!</span></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">Each Solo Ad goes out within 24 hours and includes complete tracking.</span></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">You can expect clicks for up to 7 days with no limits EVER!</span></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">These Solo eMail Ads are great if you want signups and sales for...</span></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">*&nbsp; Any Affiliate Program</span><br /><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">*&nbsp; Business Opportunities</span><br /><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">*&nbsp; List building and social connections</span><br /><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">*&nbsp; Backlinking purposes</span></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">Limited time only. Our test Ruby Solo received OVER 1,250 clicks in just ONE day.</span></span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 205)"><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">Yours In Success,</span><br /><span style="background-color:#F0F8FF">Mary Gregory</span></span><br />&nbsp;</p>

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We invite you to grab your free spot in the hottest
You could literally have people on your team overnight & best of all,
you can qualify to EARN $1.00 PER ORDER, regardless of who put them there!!

TAKE YOUR FREE TOUR, then join our Facebook family to read what everyone
else is saying about us, and watch our system work for you too!

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I know one Reason You Aren't Getting Referrals....

Are you struggling to get sign-ups and sales? Overtime you will

find most mailers and safelists are totally useless.

For your advertising to be effective, you must use ONLY quality

traffic sources that have been tested. No sense mailing where no

one is clicking,right? List Hoopla does all the testing for you!

So you don't have to be flying blind, when it comes to sending your

ads trying to get sign-ups and sales. Just join and you can mail

with confidence! Also, Upgrading at these sites will be money well


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Join today and get 3000 Mailer Credits + 1500 Monthly !
Earn up to $0.75 per FREE referral and up to 75% commissions!
Join Now!!!

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<h3><strong><span style="color:#0000CD">FREE ADVERTISING!!!</span></strong></h3><h3>Join today and get 3000 Mailer Credits + 1500 Monthly !<br />Earn up to $0.75 per FREE referral and up to 75% commissions!</h3><h3><strong><a target="_blank" href="http://myrobotviralmailer.com/index.php?rid=7"><span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0)">Join Now!!!</span></a></strong></h3><h3><a href="http://myrobotviralmailer.com/?rid=7">http://myrobotviralmailer.com/?rid=7</a></h3>

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<div><strong>Welcome To The New Advertising For Success.</strong><br />&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Marty Petrizza Has Created Her Most Powerful Site To Date.</strong><br />&nbsp;</div><div><strong>New Innovative Advertising Technology Powered By&nbsp;A Mobile App.</strong><br />&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Check Out These Amazing Features:</strong></div><ul><li><strong>Guaranteed Ad Views</strong></li><li><strong>Power House Marketing Tools</strong></li><li><strong>Huge Monthly Bonus Ad Pack</strong></li><li><strong>Earn Prizes By Reading Mails, Banners and Texts</strong></li><li><strong>Earn Residual Income</strong></li></ul><div><strong>Get The Results&nbsp;You Have Always Dreamed About.</strong><br /><br />&nbsp;</div><div><strong>To Your Success,</strong></div><div><strong>Rick Leach</strong></div>

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<div><strong>Welcome To The New Advertising For Success.</strong><br />&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Marty Petrizza Has Created Her Most Powerful Site To Date.</strong><br />&nbsp;</div><div><strong>New Innovative Advertising Technology Powered By&nbsp;A Mobile App.</strong><br />&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Check Out These Amazing Features:</strong></div><ul><li><strong>Guaranteed Ad Views</strong></li><li><strong>Power House Marketing Tools</strong></li><li><strong>Huge Monthly Bonus Ad Pack</strong></li><li><strong>Earn Prizes By Reading Mails, Banners and Texts</strong></li><li><strong>Earn Residual Income</strong></li></ul><div><strong>Get The Results&nbsp;You Have Always Dreamed About.</strong><br /><br />&nbsp;</div><div><strong>To Your Success,</strong></div><div><strong>Rick Leach</strong></div>

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Get 1000 FREE Leads EVERY DAY!


Get Instant access To:

1000 fresh opt-in leads every 24 hours!
10.000 updated email addresses every week!
15.000 updated email addresses every month!
100.000 updated email addresses every month!
900 updated surveyed phone verified leads every week!
140 SUPER HOT Daily Prospects (up to 100% Interest level)
Much more...


Mail 1000 random leads from inside the members area EVERY 24 HOURS!

Just join - get INSTANT access - download leads!

Join here: #link#

To your success!
Nicoleta Mateiuc

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Join The Fiesta..Get the result you need and the ca$h you want!

Mailerito is a Brand New FULLY FEATURED Viral Mailer.

The Mailerito Viral Mailer Features:

* $1.00 Signup Bonus
* 2000 FREE Credits upon signup
* 1000 Text ad Impressions Upon signup
* 1000 Banner Impressions Upon signup
* Click4Cash
* PTC Cash
* Weekly Jackpot Contest
* Residual Commissions
* Mail the list as you join!
* Up to 50% Residual Commissions
* Low $10 Payout
* Monthly Bonus Credits
* Free Downline Mailer
* PTC Mailers Downline Builder
* Weekly Top Promoters Contest
* Monthly Referral Contest
* Dynamic Click Ratio

* Signup Bonus
Promo code: TACOS
Cash $1.00
Credits 2000
Bimps 1000
Limps 1000

All you have to do is point your browser over
to the link below and signup!

P.S. If you are ready to save money, you should pay extra
close attention on your first login to discover the amazing
OTO that will really give you a boost.

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You Cannot Reach This Many Ad Venues By Yourself!

<h3><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Every member of the Viral Ads Club promotes your ads for you... </strong></span></h3><h3><span style="color:#000000"><strong>You simply cannot reach this many different ad venues by yourself!</strong></span></h3><address><span style="color:#000000"><strong>- Unlimited Ads...</strong></span></address><address><span style="color:#000000"><strong>- On Unlimited Websites...</strong></span></address><address><span style="color:#000000"><strong>- AND Unlimited Residual Income! </strong></span></address><h3><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Don&#39;t work by yourself ever again... </strong></span></h3><h3><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Pledge with us at the Viral Ads Club today!</strong></span></h3>

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-> http://gardenmails.com/credit_click.php?userid=1004&openkey=5j0wmdk6

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ALL NEW Viral Lead Builder

For your eyes only depan
Best time to get in and grab as many new members
as you can is when a site is ONLY days Fresh.
JOIN Viral Lead Builder TODAY, and go get'em.

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AdvertisingForSuccess is here!

We are leading the way to a new innovative, advertising technology!

Powered by a mobile App, Advertisingforsuccess is going to get results like you never dreamed you could!

This is Marty Petrizza's newest solution to old boring advertising.

Never seen before, you are about to be a part of advertising genius!

Join up today and move into the future of advertising.


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Minggu, 29 April 2018

Mail to 110 Top Mailers with just one click!!!


I am very excited to share this with you!

Finally a site that really has your best interests in mind and gives you the tools you need to succeed.

You can now mail to 110 mailers with a few clicks. All mails can be out in 15 minutes.

You will get unlimited banner and text views on site.

Monthly advertising that really will count! Plenty of it!!

How about this!!

16,500 surf credits, 89,200 mailer credits, 224,600 banners and texts Every month.

You have GOT to believe in yourself and invest in advertising that works if you are to succeed.

Join us today!

Marty Petrizza

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-> http://gardenmails.com/credit_click.php?userid=1004&openkey=y8q2vf5h

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Blockchain Crypto Lottery

Blockchain Crypto Lottery Play Now!

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The New 1 Dollar BTC Project Really Works!!


Finally, the New 1 Dollar BTC Project is live!

You have 2 options:

1- Do nothing, stay as you are now, broke. OR your future is in your hands you can take control of it!

2- Pay $1,send 40+ emails and in 30-40 days earn a MINIMUM of $78,125+ in your BTC wallet GUARANTEED!!

Now you choose!

Alfred Cwothum

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*** From the Great Eight , time to make money ***

Hi Dennis here;

When you find sites that really pay you, you’re lucky, Mine do.

I pick my Sites by honesty, if you do not belong to these sites. You will be missing a lot.

Please check these sites out at:

http://worldlargestsafelist.com/s.php?dennis minimum payout $5.00 They Payed Me

http://uslargestsafelist.com/s.php?dennis minimum pay out $5.00 They Payed Me





<a href="http://puffinmailer.com/?rid=18038"><img minimum payout $20.00

http://globalsafelist.com/s.php?dennis minimum payout $10.00

I wood rather get payed $5.00 10 times, then Not get payed $50 or $100 once.
I have found over the years, the higher the payout the less likely you are to get payed.

Enjoy my BEST site, and Thank You, Dennis

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Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Start Making Money Today!

<h1><span style="color:#0000CD"><strong>Unlimited daily income&nbsp;<br />potential and instant&nbsp;<br />100% commissions.</strong></span></h1><h1><span style="color:#0000CD"><strong>Make money today<br />with free ads!</strong></span></h1><h1><span style="color:#0000CD"><strong>Tested &amp; proven.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></span></h1><h1><span style="color:#0000CD"><strong>You have nothing&nbsp;<br />to lose.</strong></span></h1><h1><span style="color:#0000CD"><strong>To your success,<br />Frank W.</strong></span></h1>

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Dracula Mailer just was launched!

<div><strong><em>Hi,</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>I want to introduce you to a new way to mail.&nbsp;</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>Dracula mailer is bringing something new to the frontier of email marketing.</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>You can be assured you will get the valuable response you need for your efforts.</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>Earn credits and cash prizes for viewing emails, banners, and text ads.</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>Participate in contests and win cash and prizes!</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>Dracula mailer is taking big steps to make sure our membership stays active, wants to be active, and gets the results you deserve!</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>You won&#39;t be wasting your time here!</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>Join us!</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>http://draculamailer.com/?rid=69</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>Receive credits, banners and text ads in free advertising, just promo Dracula mailer</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>http://draculamailer.com/?rid=69</em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><em>Thanks,</em></strong></div>

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<p>HI</p><p>AdvertisingForSuccess is here!</p><p>We are leading the way to a new innovative, advertising technology!</p><p>Powered by a mobile App, Advertisingforsuccess is going to get results like you never dreamed you could!</p><p>This is Marty Petrizza&#39;s newest solution to old boring advertising.</p><p>Never seen before, you are about to be a part of advertising genius!</p><p>Join up today and move into the future of advertising.</p><p><a href="http://advertisingforsuccess.com?r=irbis2009&amp;t=25">http://advertisingforsuccess.com?r=irbis2009&amp;t=25</a></p>

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Attention Marketers! Coming soon new AD-ICO !!

Free Coin Airdrops

A crypto airdrop is when a CryptoCurrency project distributes free tokens/coins
as a reward to the people who perform certain tasks at these project's request.

You can then sell the coins that you receive from an airdrop on Cryptocurrency
exchanges, for real money. Yes, you read that right. REAL MONEY!!
How much can You earn with an AirDrop?

It depends..When an ICO does an airdrop we base the estimated
value of the token/coins based on ICO price of tokens.

Believe it or not, but with minimum efforts you can earn as much as $200 from just one Airdrop
(Polymath did an airdrop now worth $300). Not all Airdrops are as lucrative as worth $200
but it still is a wise choice to apply for all Airdrops.

Now You can Earn even more!

Join and use our site to Promote your Airdrops and to Build your Downline!

At AirDrops.link You will find the tools to help You promoting your preferred Airdrops.
You get an Airdrop Downline Builder to help You building a Downline in all
existing Airdrops, thus, multiplying your earning potential..

You can get started in Minutes.

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Get the Power of a Mobile App Behind your Ads!!!


AdvertisingForSuccess is here!

We are leading the way to a new innovative, advertising technology!

Powered by a mobile App, Advertisingforsuccess is going to get results like you never dreamed you could!

This is Marty Petrizza's newest solution to old boring advertising.

Never seen before, you are about to be a part of advertising genius!

Join up today and move into the future of advertising.


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-> http://gardenmails.com/credit_click.php?userid=1004&openkey=g708cpzs

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No Referring Required To Earn

~EVERYONE that registers AFTER you is in your ActivityPushLine.

~PUSHING your Matrix Submissions you receive from your activities, up our 12-step income system.

~All PUSHING your Matrix Submissions to cycle over & over.

~Hurry and Lock In Your SPOT today.


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Brand New Banner Site Launching!

<h2><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Grab your 4 Lifetime Banners! </strong></span></h2><h2><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Earn a Lifetime Upgrade!</strong></span></h2><h2><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Get in Early! Don&#39;t Miss Out!</strong></span></h2>

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-> http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=mgjxvdt8

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New!! Free ICO Tokens !!

Welcome To *ONLINE-JOBS*

*A New Way For Money - ICO !!

*Only Sites With Tokens Bonus !!

*Buy With Little , Sell With More Later !!


To Your Success!!

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ShowBiz Hits

FREE Website Traffic
Instant website approval
Text Ads
Banner Ads
Weekly and daily contests
Let's start the show!

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<h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>A&nbsp; TE loaded with cash prizes &amp; quality traffic</strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>-&gt; Hourly Raffle Draw</strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>-&gt;<span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0)"> No Penny chasers here(Surf cap 1100 pages/day)</span></strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>-&gt;$10 Weekly Jackpot</strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>-&gt;Viral Traffic Games</strong></span></em></h1><p>&nbsp;</p><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Join &amp; Surf 100 Pages to receive your Sign-up Bonus<br />250 Credits, 250 Banners &amp; 250 texts..</strong></span></em></h1><p>&nbsp;</p><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>(no promo code required)</strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>P.S:&nbsp; Do NOT miss the ridiculously low priced irresistible OTOs inside!&nbsp; . &nbsp;<br />Will not last long at that price!</strong></span></em></h1><p>&nbsp;</p>

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Jumat, 27 April 2018

You Got To See This!

<h1><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Welcome To The Rotator Club AIOP Team Build<br />Here is what the BUZZ is all about</strong></span></h1><h1><strong>We Get You Paid Members<br />We Help Our Down lines</strong></h1><h1><strong>We Advertise For You<br />We Get 100% Commissions</strong></h1><h1><strong>We Get Paid Every Week<br />A product ever Marketer Needs<br />you only need 1 Referral to cover monthly cost</strong></h1><h1><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>No Hit Count !!<br />One click Branding</strong></span></h1><h1><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Already In AIOP No Problem They Allow Multiple Accounts<br />Check It Out Today</strong></span></h1><h1><strong>http://vzturl.com/ro.php?id=5666&nbsp;</strong></h1>

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Free 3 Day UPGRADE Login Offer

<p>Hey depan</p><p>Thank You For Taking The Time To Read This Email!! Here is an opportunity you will not want to pass on. We are going to give you a FREE 3 Day Trial so that you can experience the ALL NEW Treasure Hunt Surf as an Upgraded Member.</p><p>Please note that this is an exclusive offer that is only available until 5-4-18 and only through this invitation.</p><p>Here is everything that you will get with this offer If You Decide To Stay An Upgraded Annual Member: 1</p><p>1 Surf Ratio 5 seconds Surf Timer</p><p>5,000 Credits</p><p>10,000 468x60 Banner Impressions</p><p>20,000 Text Ad Impressions</p><p>Random Referrals</p><p>DON'T WAIT ~~ ACT NOW ~~ THIS OFFER EXPIRES ON 5-4-18</p><p>Yours For Success!!! Brian and Randy</p>

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*** From the Great Eight , time to make money ***

Hi Dennis here;

When you find sites that really pay you, you’re lucky, Mine do.

I pick my Sites by honesty, if you do not belong to these sites. You will be missing a lot.

Please check these sites out at:

http://worldlargestsafelist.com/s.php?dennis minimum payout $5.00 They Payed Me

http://uslargestsafelist.com/s.php?dennis minimum pay out $5.00 They Payed Me





<a href="http://puffinmailer.com/?rid=18038"><img minimum payout $20.00

http://globalsafelist.com/s.php?dennis minimum payout $10.00

I wood rather get payed $5.00 10 times, then Not get payed $50 or $100 once.
I have found over the years, the higher the payout the less likely you are to get payed.

Enjoy my BEST site, and Thank You, Dennis

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1001 Nights Mailer just was launched!

<div><strong>Hi,</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>I want to introduce you to a new way to mail.&nbsp;</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>1001 Nights Mailer is bringing something new to the frontier of email marketing.</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>You can be assured you will get the valuable response you need for your efforts.</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Earn credits and cash prizes for viewing emails, banners, and text ads.</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Participate in contests and win cash and prizes!</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>1001 Nights Mailer is taking big steps to make sure our membership stays active, wants to be active, and gets the results you deserve!</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>You won&#39;t be wasting your time here!</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Join us!</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><a target="_blank" href="http://1001nightsmailer.com/?rid=4">http://1001nightsmailer.com/?rid=4</a></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Receive credits, banners and text ads in free advertising, just promo 1001 Nights Mailer</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong><a target="_blank" href="http://1001nightsmailer.com/?rid=4">http://1001nightsmailer.com/?rid=4</a></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Thanks,</strong></div>

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Kamis, 26 April 2018

Get the Power of a Mobile App Behind your Ads!!!

<h3>Hi depan</h3><h3>AdvertisingForSuccess is here!</h3><h3>We are leading the way to a new innovative, advertising technology!</h3><h3>Powered by a mobile App, Advertisingforsuccess is going to get results like you never dreamed you could!</h3><h3>This is Marty Petrizza&#39;s newest solution to old boring advertising.</h3><h3>Never seen before, you are about to be a part of advertising genius!</h3><h3>Join up today and move into the future of advertising.</h3><h3><a href="http://advertisingforsuccess.com?r=irbis2009&amp;t=25">http://advertisingforsuccess.com?r=irbis2009&amp;t=25</a></h3>

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The 1 Dollar Project


Discover the most lucrative, easiest and profitable 1 dollar business that sells faster than anything else!

Earning a lot of money with fewer efforts!!

You may never run out of cash again!!

Take five minutes and read the complete page-then decide.

If you decide to take the following simple steps and the necessary instructions, you are GUARANTEED that you will earn 20,000 dollars within the next few weeks!!

Please do not be skeptical about this program because it really works!!!

Do not let your skepticism stand in the way to your financial success.

Otherwise you will throw away 70,000 in cash

So click the credit link now and begin seeing results within the next few weeks!!

Alfred Cwothum

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Health And Financial Freedom - Next Level

Hello depan!

Today I want to invite you for something very special:

An exceptional opportunity to join a perfect resolution providing all you need for your business with rosy future.

no previous knowledge

no sale

start instantly â€" online and/or offline

experienced people doing the same thing with growing enthusiasm will answer each question you could have

a unique compensation plan made by us partners

fulltime or part time

And it's best: It doesn't strain your health but promotes it in a way you've never seen before.

Curious? Sure! Therefore, look at the presentation in peace


Don't hesitate â€" just enter the future


P.S. Even if you are rich enough â€" your health will win â€" guaranteed!
Click the link and be curious about the presentation: http://monumentalmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=923&openkey=0b78mg9v

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Earn up to $10,000 Residual Income without enrolling!

Hey depan,

If you're tired of making money the hard way... then this is for you.

No meetings...
No cold-calling…
No selling...

You can earn up to $10k a month without enrolling a single person.

Everyone joining globally will be placed under you!
And our system does 90% of the work for you 24/7!

Take the FREE TOUR to learn more:

To YOUR Success!

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The most anticipated safelist pre-launch of 2018

During the last 2 months, there have already been about a dozen safelist pre-launches. What's the point of wasting time on another one?

The answer is simple. Because Viral Tycoon Safelist is not just another ordinary safelist. This is the next generation viral mailer, which completely rethinks the concept of the safelist and takes it to a new level.


While many other mailers are focused on generating more clicks, Viral Tycoon team is 100% concentrated on ensuring that each of your mailings brings you the maximum number of sign-ups, leads and sales. Money talks, traffic walks, right? :)

Here are just some of the reasons why you should join Viral Tycoon Safelist:

- Get a much higher CTR
- Benefit from an unrivaled conversion rate
- Contact a high-profile audience
- Boost your six-level downline
- Mail in a convenient way

Join Viral Tycoon Safelist until May 15 to be the first to benefit from this one-of-a-kind viral mailer. Get 200,000+ bonus credits on 40+ of the most popular safelist to instantly build a huge downline on Viral Tycoon by the launch date!


Have a good day,

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Rabu, 25 April 2018

Quality Leads For All Your Needs

Hi (their name), it's Ike here, and I just
wanted to send you a quick note to see if you have
heard the news about BoxesOfTraffic.

It's a Viral List Builder that just Launched with cool
new graphics and all the features we've come to love and
it's free to join!!

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A New Kind of Advertising!!!

<h3>AdvertisingForSuccess is here!</h3><h3>We are leading the way to a new innovative, advertising technology!</h3><h3>Powered by a mobile App, Advertisingforsuccess is going to get results like you never dreamed you could!</h3><h3>This is Marty Petrizza&#39;s newest solution to old boring advertising.</h3><h3>Never seen before, you are about to be a part of advertising genius!</h3><h3>Join up today and move into the future of advertising.</h3><h3><a href="http://advertisingforsuccess.com?r=irbis2009&amp;t=25">http://advertisingforsuccess.com?r=irbis2009&amp;t=25</a></h3>

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A New Kind of Advertising!!!


AdvertisingForSuccess is here!

We are leading the way to a new innovative, advertising technology!

Powered by a mobile App, Advertisingforsuccess is going to get results like you never dreamed you could!

This is Marty Petrizza's newest solution to old boring advertising.

Never seen before, you are about to be a part of advertising genius!

Join up today and move into the future of advertising.


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Earn up to $10,000 Residual Income without enrolling!

Hey depan,

If you're tired of making money the hard way... then this is for you.

No meetings...
No cold-calling…
No selling...

You can earn up to $10k a month without enrolling a single person.

Everyone joining globally will be placed under you!
And our system does 90% of the work for you 24/7!

Take the FREE TOUR to learn more:

To YOUR Success!
Barry Mackey

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Earn $10K without enrolling a single person... EVER!!!

Hi depan,

The biggest problem people face in network marketing is the problem
of recruiting. Without a proper knowledge and background, it's hard
to recruit members in any online business.

Our system eliminates this problem by providing you with the most
effective recruiting structure and marketing softwares that take
care of the entire advertising and recruiting process for you.

Want to learn more? Take the FREE tour:

Dedicated to your Success!

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One step to berich

Increase Website Traffic For Free!

Join Mailerito Viral Mailer &PTC
It's Fun, Effective and Profitable!

Use PromoCode: TACOS
2000/1000/1000/$1.00 CASH

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Want a system that gets you your desired results?

Hi depan,

I follow top earners in this industry to make money online, so I
don't need to re-invent the wheel.

Let me paint a typical old MLM picture for you...
You signed up and were told to find three who find three who find
three... Then CHIZIM!!! You're set for Life...

--- Real scenario ---
Spend 3 months surfing traffic exchange sites and at the end of it
get a handful of unproductive prospects who can't even speak English
and quit...

And those who stay cannot even recruit a single soul because they
have no skills... And in the end they all quit.

So you say "This MLM stuff does not work.... It is ALL S.C.A.M.!"
MLM sucks!!! MLM is s. c. a. m.!!!

Does that sound familiar?

Well... that's what I use to think, until I decided to take matters
into my own hands and find an upline that were actually producing

And once I did that everything changed, including my sign up rate.
In fact, right now I sign up 5-10 members per week.

Want to know how? Check out this site:


That's the same site I signed up at, and found the support of a REAL
upline making REAL income.

And now my line of thinking has TOTALLY changed:


And can be for you too, if you take the time to check this out.

To your ultimate success,
Natalia Hirsch

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New!! Free ICO Tokens !!

Welcome To *ONLINE-JOBS*

*A New Way For Money - ICO !!

*Only Sites With Tokens Bonus !!

*Buy With Little , Sell With More Later !!


To Your Success!!

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Selasa, 24 April 2018

Add Magic to your Promotions

<h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>A&nbsp; TE loaded with cash prizes &amp; quality traffic</strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>-&gt; Hourly Raffle Draw</strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>-&gt;<span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0)"> No Penny chasers here(Surf cap 1100 pages/day)</span></strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>-&gt;$10 Weekly Jackpot</strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>-&gt;Viral Traffic Games</strong></span></em></h1><p>&nbsp;</p><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Join &amp; Surf 100 Pages to receive your Sign-up Bonus<br />250 Credits, 250 Banners &amp; 250 texts..</strong></span></em></h1><p>&nbsp;</p><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>(no promo code required)</strong></span></em></h1><h1><em><span style="color:#000000"><strong>P.S:&nbsp; Do NOT miss the ridiculously low priced irresistible OTOs inside!&nbsp; . &nbsp;<br />Will not last long at that price!</strong></span></em></h1><p>&nbsp;</p>

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The Most Affordable and Successful Team-Build!

Hi depan,


You will be in the team of people already experiencing success in
this business!

The Team and I will work to put you in profit and show you how to
develop increased earnings. There are no special skills or experience

Our Marketing System has a complete step-by-step guide.
Plus, I'll give you the websites, business strategy and ad copies to
send to your prospects that "work for us"!

This is an incredible Income Opportunity with the most affordable,
stable, over 15-year-old company on the Internet!

And it's NOT intended for Tire Kickers or DROP-OUTS!

This is for people that want to have SUCCESS working online and who
want to develop a substantial monthly residual income!

So if you're interested, click the link below, review the information,
sign-up and let's get started!


Kind regards

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***Marty Petrizza Has Done It Again***

<p>HI</p><p>AdvertisingForSuccess is here!</p><p>We are leading the way to a new innovative, advertising technology!</p><p>Powered by a mobile App, Advertisingforsuccess is going to get results like you never dreamed you could!</p><p>This is Marty Petrizza&#39;s newest solution to old boring advertising.</p><p>Never seen before, you are about to be a part of advertising genius!</p><p>Join up today and move into the future of advertising.</p><p><a href="http://advertisingforsuccess.com?r=irbis2009&amp;t=25">http://advertisingforsuccess.com?r=irbis2009&amp;t=25</a></p>

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Upgraded 7 Dollar project gets you paid

<p><strong>The 7 Dollar Project is a great upgrade to the $1 Dollar project, I had many people asking how can I tell if new people are joining us in the $1 project because you don't get any emails for 3-4 months but with the $7 Dollar project each of the 7 people on the list get a email from PayPal saying "You've got Money". I just send emails out daily using safelist's many of which are Free, doing that for 40 days has given me the desired results with the $1 project and I expect similar results with the $7 Dollar upgraded project. In review $7 to #1-7 on the list and if you want a replica site it's only $5 </strong></p>

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The Most Affordable and Successful Team-Build!

Hi depan,


You will be in the team of people already experiencing success in
this business!

The Team and I will work to put you in profit and show you how to
develop increased earnings. There are no special skills or experience

Our Marketing System has a complete step-by-step guide.
Plus, I'll give you the websites, business strategy and ad copies to
send to your prospects that "work for us"!

This is an incredible Income Opportunity with the most affordable,
stable, over 15-year-old company on the Internet!

And it's NOT intended for Tire Kickers or DROP-OUTS!

This is for people that want to have SUCCESS working online and who
want to develop a substantial monthly residual income!

So if you're interested, click the link below, review the information,
sign-up and let's get started!


Kind regards

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***Marty Petrizza Has Done It Again***


AdvertisingForSuccess is here!

We are leading the way to a new innovative, advertising technology!

Powered by a mobile App, Advertisingforsuccess is going to get results like you never dreamed you could!

This is Marty Petrizza's newest solution to old boring advertising.

Never seen before, you are about to be a part of advertising genius!

Join up today and move into the future of advertising.


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Health And Financial Freedom - Next Level

Hello depan!

Today I want to invite you for something very special:

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Start Earn Your First 50% Commission!!

<div><strong>Hey Guys,</strong></div><div><strong>See this is most powerful tool you will ever seen inside VIP Lounge.&nbsp;</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>=&gt; http://vipmailerpro.com/?rid=7</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Send your business emails to real people that will click and view your ads.</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><h3><em>Use Our Promo Code:<span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 153)"><span style="color:rgb(17, 85, 204)">&nbsp;</span>VIPPROMO</span></em></h3><h3><strong><em>500/2000/2000/0.5 USD</em></strong></h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><div><strong><em><span style="background-color:rgb(0, 255, 255)">Lifetime VIP Lounge Upgrade - only USD 29.99!</span></em></strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>VIP Mailer Pro is the best thing you will try.</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Thank you</strong></div>

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Earn $10K without enrolling a single person... EVER!!!

Hi depan,

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Earn $10K without enrolling a single person... EVER!!!

Hi depan,

The biggest problem people face in network marketing is the problem
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<div><strong>Welcome To The New Traffic Flash.<br /><br />Traffic Flash Guarantees Traffic To Your&nbsp;Sites Using Proven Advertising Methods.<br /><br />Check Out These Awesome Features:</strong></div><ul><li><strong>Earn Cash For Every 3000 Clicks To Your Referral Link</strong></li><li><strong>Free Members Receives A Monthly Ad Package, Wow</strong></li><li><strong>We Pay 70 Bux For Every Super JV You Sign Up</strong></li><li><strong>175 Bux Referral Contest</strong></li><li><strong>Huge Free Sign Up Bonus</strong></li></ul><div><strong>Your Sign Up Bonus Awaits.<br /><br /><br />To Your Success,</strong></div><div><strong>Rick Leach</strong></div>

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Build traffic, generate leads and massive earnings

<p>Dear List Builder, If you are not using Traffic Exchanges you are leaving tons of subscribers and wads of moolah on the table. http://teprofits.com/index.php?r=dennymur Understanding what surfers want is the key to turning your traffic into endless leads and c@sh for your business. Capture the attention of surfers and turn them into subscribers and paying customers. This f.r-e*e report will show you how it is done. Grab it now before it&#39;s gone... http://teprofits.com/index.php?r=dennymur To Your Success, [Add your name] PS. You can also rebrand the report with YOUR links and use the exact lead capture pages I use to build my list with traffic exchanges. http://teprofits.com/index.php?r=dennymur You will be getting p@id to build your list with traffic exchanges!</p>

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