<p>ATTENTION:<br />FR EE LIFE TIME MEMBE RSHIPS<br />To The NEXT 25 People</p><p>Hi depan,</p><p>This NEW ADVERTI SING and RECRUI TING SYS TEM<br />works with any and all busines ses!</p><p>Go from ZERO to HERO overnight!</p><p>Automate Your In come NOW!<br />EVERYTHING is Ready to Go...<br />NO SET-UP REQUIRED!</p><p>Go To:<br />> Click the Credit Link Below <</p><p>Get Your Fr ee Life time Membe rship NOW!</p><p><br />Call after you are set up, only if you have questions.</p><p>Michael Lines</p><p>(248)979-3515</p><p> </p>
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