This is Mandy and I just found out
that Frank Bauer and Clinton Clark have launched an
incredible BitCoin Traffic Exchange and Revenue Share
that is, truly, completely legal and logically sustainable.
Better yet, they have one of THE Most Unique Compensation
Plans I've ever seen.
The features and benefits within this Traffic Exchange,
InfinityTrafficBoost ("ITB"), are nearly endless. I am just
SO Impressed with the incredible thought and strategy that
was put into this incredible system.
There are price points for EVERYone from the small buyer to
the Big Purchaser, which means that your audience is TRULY
Massive. Then because ITB is a BitCoin Traffic Exchange,
anyone anywhere in the world with a computer/mobile device
and a BitCoin Wallet can participate. But with price points
as low as 0.00025 BTC ($3.04) the ENTIRE World is our audience.
If you are interested in, and/or have an audience that likes
to SURF to Earn and then upgrade, then ITB is perfect, too.
Members are able to surf and earn daily in the Surfers
Rewards Pool which is paid every 2 weeks, also in BitCoin.
Thanks and hope to "see you on the inside"!
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